Embracing the Benefits of Magnesium

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Hey there, lovely readers! 🌿

I hope you’ve been basking in the gentle warmth of the sun. If you’re anything like me, you adore the idea of embracing a lifestyle that prioritizes sustainability and natural remedies. I’m here to share something quite close to my heart and it revolves around the charm of Cottage Core and, believe it or not, magnesium. Yep, that little mineral that’s responsible for over 300 cellular biochemical reactions in our body. Nowadays, about 80% of people have low magnesium levels! If you’ve been feeling a little off-kilter, fatigue settling in, or your muscles have been cramping up, magnesium might just be the unsung hero you need.

Why is Magnesium Such a Big Deal?

First off, magnesium plays a pivotal role in converting food into energy. It’s a wee bit like that old wood stove in grandma’s cottage, fueling the body to keep it warm and toasty. Moreover, it assists in the creation of protein from amino acids. Think of it as the knitting needle of our body, binding things together.

Magnesium also plays a pivotal role in the functioning of our nervous system. It’s like that calming lullaby that keeps our nerves relaxed, ensuring they function smoothly. If you’ve been feeling more anxious or tense lately, boosting magnesium might be worth considering.

Lastly, magnesium helps regulate neurotransmitters that send messages throughout the brain and body. It’s our body’s own personal postal service, making sure every message gets where it needs to go. Magnesium even plays a role in maintaining bone health and can assist in preventing osteoporosis.

The list really does go on. Here are just a few more benefits:

  • Lessen discomfort from cramps and bloating
  • Helps reduce inflammation
  • Promotes muscle relaxation and restful sleep
  • Calms headaches and migraines
  • Counteracts depression and anxiety as a natural mood booster
  • Aids digestion and can remedy constipation

Nature and Wellness on a Budget

For those thinking, “Well, this sounds fancy and expensive”, it’s not! Nature, in all its infinite wisdom, has packed magnesium in so many affordable sources. Just like the nutrient-packed microgreens, these sources are small but mighty, offering a wealth of benefits for our health. Leafy greens, whole grains, nuts, and yes, even dark chocolate (a delightful excuse for a treat!) are brimming with it.

Here are some foods that contain higher amounts per serving that you can incorporate into your diet:

  • Almonds
  • Avocado 🥑
  • Banana 🍌
  • Brazil nuts
  • Cashews
  • Dark chocolate 🍫
  • Grass-fed beef
  • Oysters 🦪
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Quinoa
  • Raw milk, yogurt, or kefir 🥛
  • Salmon and mackerel 🍣
  • Spinach 🥬
  • Spirulina
  • Swiss chard

If not eaten directly from the foods we eat, supplementing magnesium through topical use is quite effective since our skin is our largest organ. This bypasses the GI tract for more direct absorption.

Making homemade Magnesium Oil is pretty simple and doesn’t break the bank. I have a homemade version of Magnesium Oil Spray available in my shop where I add a touch of vegetable glycerin or Aloe Vera for that little bit extra moisturizing effect and some essential oils. Using ethically harvested essential oils ensures that your wellness routine is both effective and sustainable, aligning with the principles of Cottage Core. I personally like to apply magnesium under my arms and use as a replacement for deodorant. Or if I have those sleepless nights, I’ll apply at night on my stomach, legs, feet, or a tense area. Works the same for kids! A little hack for antsy toddlers is to rub some magnesium on their belly and legs.

Come take a look!

Magnesium Oil Spray Natural Deodorant

Or for those looking to ease into the night with a hot bath, add some magnesium for that extra boost of relaxation! Complement this with a cup of detox teas to further enhance your relaxation and wellness routine, promoting a happier and healthier tummy. Or even after a hot shower can rub in some magnesium infused lotion. Yess.

Is a tingly or itchy feeling normal?

A slight tingling or itchy sensation is also normal! Magnesium is a vasodilator, meaning it relaxes muscle cells and increases blood flow in capillaries. It should subside after a few minutes when it soaks in. There are multiple reasons you might experience this:

  • Your body is magnesium deficient
  • You’re applying too much at once
  • Your skin reacting to a different pH level


Embracing the Cottage Core philosophy is all about nurturing our health and wellbeing without breaking the bank. It’s about understanding and cherishing nature’s remedies. And trust me, every penny spent on nurturing your health is an investment, not an expense.

Consider giving magnesium the spotlight in your diet. Your body will thank you in whispers of revitalized energy and a calmer mind. And in this fast-paced world, isn’t that what we all yearn for? A slice of serenity, a dose of nature, and a pinch of magnesium magic.

I’m always here, finding joy in guiding, teaching, and supporting you on this journey of rediscovering nature’s wonders.

Stay radiant and keep blooming! 🌼🍃

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Cottage Core Holly is a lifestyle blog and is community inspired by the ideas of simplicity, sustainability, mindfulness, and harmony with nature

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